
Website Maintenance

Fixing website problems

Fixing Website Problems

We provide a web support service to help fix your site – quickly and cost effectively. Prospective customers who arrive at your website will leave almost immediately if your site does not work efficiently, or they cannot find the information they need quickly.

Ways We Can Help

• Fix errors and bugs that stop your website working
• Repair broken contact forms and prevent spam inquiries
• Take care of WordPress updates and errors
• Improve the loading time of a slow website
• Find and fix broken links and images throughout your site
• Recover a website that has been hacked or is hosting malware, and secure it

When you decide
A logo is a logo, right?

Site Tracking Metrics

Once your website is launched, we help you track metrics by installing relevant analytics. If you choose, we can also provide ongoing site management that includes making necessary updates and tracking relevant statistics.